Elevate Your Body

Does this sound like you?

If this sounds like you, then I can help!


You feel tired when you wake up, you need coffee in the afternoon, or you feel like you can't do normal activities anymore without feeling fatigued.

Food Sensitivities 

You notice that when you eat certain foods, or all foods, you don't feel well and you experience a flare up of your symptoms. 


You have anxiety or depression and feel stuck and alone with your symptoms and health issues.

Weight Loss Resistance 

You have always struggled with your weight OR you've recently gained weight and it's not coming off like it used to. 

Digestive Issues

You have constipation or loose stools; you find that your digestion is never consistent, and you also struggle with bloating, acid reflux, or gas. 

You Feel Lost

You've seen other practitioners and they've told you that your blood work looks "normal" or they've given you supplements with no real support or a clear action plan for healing. 

What if instead...

  You had untapped energy throughout the day?  

 You had food freedom and could find healing from sensitivities?

 You were able to find a weight that is healthy and comfortable for your body? Feeling confidence in your own skin!  

 You felt empowered with tools and knowledg
e to care for your body and live your life to the fullest?

Start your healing journey today! 

  Schedule a Free Inquiry Call 

In this 1-1 call, you will have the opportunity to learn more about the services that I offer from my 1- 1 Integrative Root Cause Healing Program, functional lab testing, and Mind Body Spirit Release so you can get to know who I am as a practitioner and my philosophy on overall health and wellness; and ask questions about working with together!

Additionally, this call helps me understand what your health and wellness goals are, what has worked or hasn’t worked in the past for you, and what type of support you need moving forward!

If you don’t see a time that works for you, email jess@elevatedfunctionalhealth.com so we can find a time that works for us to connect!

 Enroll in our 1-1 Integrative Root Cause Healing Program 

In this 5-month Integrative Root Cause Healing program, we identify imbalances in your body with functional bloodwork and bio-energetic/muscle testing. We will create a personalized plan for you to tackle symptoms like autoimmunity, PCOS, food sensitivities, hormone imbalances, inflammation, brain fog, fatigue, etc. Our goal is to support you in finding balance through personalized protocol and detoxification support.

A key aspect of physical healing is also to support your emotional wellness. We will be integrating Mind Body Spirit Release sessions along with nutrition, detoxification, and lifestyle support.

   Month #1 - Functional Lab Testing & 60min Initial Interview and Foundational Recommendations Call

As a holistic health practitioner, I want to ensure that your body is supported, nourished, and functioning optimally. Functional lab work does not diagnose a specific condition or disease but rather provides us with an understanding of how well the body is functioning so we can focus on areas that need improvement. These tests help us optimize the support we provide and further customize your nutrition, detoxification, lifestyle and supplement recommendations. 

In month #1, we will determine which lab testing is right for you as well as review any prior testing. Additionally, during this first month, you will complete several different intake forms that include your health history, a toxicity assessment, nutritional need assessment, and a 3-day Food and Mood Journal. All of this will be review in our Initial Interview and Foundational Recommendations Visit.

We recommend starting with a full comprehensive blood panel (85+ markers), but you have access to DUTCH Hormone, GI Testing, Food Sensitivity testing, Total Tox Burden Panel (Mold/Heavy metal/Environmental Toxins), Metabolics Spotlight (Organic Acids), Genomic Spotlight, or Full Body Toxin/Hormone/Nutrition Bio-Resonance Testing.

 Month #2 - Functional Lab Review, Root Cause Deep Dive & Mind Body Spirit Release

During month #2, we will schedule our lab review session and root cause deep dive! In this session, I will provide education on your lab results, and make tailored recommendations for you to take tangible steps to reclaiming your health. This lab review will cover if you have the possibility of hidden infections like bacteria, viruses, mold, heavy metals, and parasites. We will also identify imbalances in key nutrients and minerals as well as stressed organs and body systems that need support. From there, we will make a plan for the next four months to tackle these key stressors on your body with targeted supplements, nutritional supports and other wellness tools.

Month #2 is also when we have our initial Mind Body Spirit Release session. In this session, we will sent an intention for your physical, emotional and spiritual wellness. We will identity blocks you have to healing and we will provide you with exercises, tools, affirmations and recommendations, so you can better balance your nervous system and re-wire your mind, body, and spirit for healing.

 Month #3 and beyond - Root Cause Work & Mind Body Spirit Release

During month #3, #4, and #5, we will have monthly root cause session as well as a monthly MBSR sessions, so we can dive deep into this work of supporting toxicities, imbalances, and tackling your emotional wellness.

Each month, you will be provided with an updated protocol and will receive weekly support via 1-1 messenger.

Many people start feeling better in the first few weeks, but committing to this process for several month sets you up for deeper healing, cultivating a deeper knowledge of your body and how it works, and provides you with the space and time to build life-long skills to sustain and maintain your progress. 

What is included in the 1-1 Integrative Root Cause Healing Program ?

Frequently asked questions

Can I use my insurance?

We cannot accept insurance. However, if you have a Health Savings Account (HSA) or a Flexible Savings Account (FSA), you may use that towards the cost of supplements as well as lab testing. If you want to use your HSA or FSA towards your lab testing, your monthly payment will be adjusted for that cost.

How much do supplements cost monthly?

Supplement costs are dependent on your protocol. We try to be mindful of the cost, and are willing to work within your budget. Supplements can be anywhere from 100-350/mo.

What if I have recent labs from my doctor?

As long as the labs are no more than 3-months old, we can review those. Most primary care provides do not pull over 85+ markers at your regular wellness visit, but if it is comprehensive enough to provide us with information that fit your specific health goals then we can use them. If this is the case, your monthly payment will be adjusted for that cost.

What if I want to or need to work with you beyond the 5 months?

Many of my clients like to continue this deep healing work, whether it be with monthly MBSR or follow-ups sessions for their health. I have several different maintenance or on-going support options to fit your needs.

Have more questions?
Please contact me below or at jess@elevatedfunctionalhealth.com.

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